Monday, October 21, 2024

The Culture: When Normies Tell On Themselves

This video talking about a recent change to the Retail version of Globe of Gankcraft nails what I say about Normies and gaming.

Yes, this is about a MMORPG. It applies to all forms of gaming, and indeed all forms of entertainment. My position on Normie Psychology is not without basis as is it rooted in my own observations over decades.

You will find this sort of thing in all the Normie-facing gaming options: Current Edition, SpaceMace 39K, Magic, etc.

Not only does Talie here report on what Stupid Irvine Game Company did, but he shows the reactions of users (which is hardly unusual) and those of his own chat. In the process, he provides receipts--evidence--validating my position: Normies don't go out of their way for ANYTHING. They take effort in entertainment as an insult and if forced to Git Gud or quit THEY ALWAYS QUIT!

The game designers and publishers that operate commercial enterprises catering to Normies must bow to Normie expectations or go out of business. That is why Stupid Irvine Game Company keeps doing dumb shit like this; they have to keep Normiebux flowing to stay in business.

(Note: This is also why PVP in MMOs is repellant to Normies; that is where you have to Git Gud to succeed, which is why the most popular PVP options are those against dumb-ass bots or are so big that you can either hide from the fight doing objectives or just run around like packs of hyenas to pick off stragglers because it's hard to lose when it's 10 v 1.

This catering to Normies in gaming is already untenable for Tabletop Adventure Games. Videogames are now beginning to feel it also. The future for Tabletop is to accept that the medium is best when it is an occult practice, to return to the Clubhouse, and to keep out Normies because their demands are bad for the hobby and medium.

Videogames will end up at that same point of decision sooner than later; we already have some free options on Steam and GOG that are fantastic, and we already know that older titles compete and win against the AAA slop of late, so don't be surprised to see that Indies come up with a similar solution- especially multi-player subsets. Those that remain in the commercial space need to accept that Normies are not their customers- Gamers are. Stop catering to people who don't value what you offer.

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