Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Culture: SOBS's Big Move Definitely Is Aiming To Get In Front of the Bros

Pat has more opinions on Current and Next Edition.

The stolen stuff? Safety Tools. You know, X Cards and other stupid BDSM bullshit derivatives that only Theater Kids and degenerates think about (and thus feel the need to bother others about). Yeah, miss me with that shit.

But look at the Bastion reactions. It's amazing to see how buried Domain Play has been for so long that the go-to comparisons are all videogames. Bros, seriously, now is the moment to get in their faces with BROZER and get them playing the Real Game- and to get those that don't belong to filter themselves out.

That "new system" is SOBS' attempt to get ahead of the Bros' restoration of the Real Hobby and hijack a cultural shift away from them to steer it back on to the reservation.

You can bet (a) that this will be hard-coded into the Walled Garden of Next Edition (so no, it won't be optional; sorry Theater Kids), and this will end up being like Garrisons from Globe of Gankcraft's not-so-great expansion Warlords of Draenor.

Garrisons turned out to be minmaxed during the beta, meaning that there was a Meta Build to follow if you wanted to be competitive in a given endgame activity (Raiders at A, PVP had B, and Auction House goblins had C because no one cared about crafters.) Expect Bastions to follow this road, as we do with everything else in Current/Next Edition, and that Bros is where you have your angle of attack if you want to hit on this SOBS story.

Tabletop is sufficiently small that even SOBS people hear about what's going on in the underground, which is why they can react as fast as they do to developments therein- usually to steal ideas that can be either commercialized (Bastions) or Regime-proof them (Safety Tools).

The former is interesting. That didn't even get talked about until the Bros dragged the concept of Domain Play out of the Memory Hole. Got to remember two things: the Bros are very active on Twitter, and SOBS's people are ALSO present on Twitter so they saw all the interactions with the ankle-biters (whom they usually kipe stuff from) and thus saw all of the receipts.

For Big Corpo, this turnaround is fast. They are doing Embrace, Extend, Extinguish on Domain Play.

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