Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Culture: The Leonards Out Themselves (Gamers4Harris)

Jon Del Arroz put out an article and a video on this repeat of the stunt done by Tabletop twats for Killery in 2016.

What is my consistent refrain regarding these people?

Thanks to them making a very convenient list, you now have a list of people and companies to not give money to.

But that doesn't make them get the point. What makes them get the point is seeing their enemies run roughshod all over them. I have just sent this list, with another necessary document, to Captain Harlock.

That document? Why, just a letter.

Every last one of them is Free and Fair Game. They want you dead; they are your enemies. They want to use the State as a proxy force to kill you, take your stuff, rape your children until they either die or get broken into trooning out, and they think it's both funny and justified. They are not your friends.

Return the favor and destroy everything they have. Feel no guilt over it henceforth. They asked for it. Give them what they asked for.

P.S: Know who is not on this list? Kevin Siembieda. He may be a Boomer, but he is not a retard or a traitor. Palladium stays; grab a Christmas Grab Bag.

Those pozzed companies? Torch them. Deny them all revenue by all means at your disposal, and that includes giving away stuff to others instead of having them give those enemies money. Let them suffer, wither, and die- and if these traitors end up broke and homeless, so much the better. You can relent when they repent and no sooner.

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