Sunday, August 7, 2022

My Life As A Gamer: Palladium's GenCon Q&A

Palladium Books did a Q&A livestream this year yesterday. It's worth checking out, as there is also talk of the Savage Worlds crossovers.

Not a lot of solid product info, but it does reveal that Palladium will remain Palladium--warts and all--so long as Kevin remains in charge. That means that Palladium will remain a hobby company that got lucky about 40 years ago, built itself up using two successful license deals, and taking years to get things out because Kevin has to have his hands in every little thing- and Kevin is a Boomer, with all that entails.

That said, they do have stuff in that notoriously janky production pipleline other than what is on the store or otherwise announced. The confession--which some have never heard--that The Rifter is where Palladium launches trial balloons should be given more emphasis, especially if you're willing to jump through the hoops to submit and are willing to accept the pay rates offered for it.

Palladium's digital options are still PDF-only, not even considering Epub or MOBI, and I don't expect that to change until Kevin is gone. The flip side is that until Kevin is gone I don't expect Palladium to seriously diversify away from being a book publisher; it will be dabbling at best.

The TLDR here is this: Palladium will be Palladium until Kevin retires, so expect nothing to change. New stuff is in the pipeline, but the pipeline is the same finicky thing that needs constant attention that it's been since the '80s, so don't get excited about anything until it's in stores and available to buy.

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