Friday, June 8, 2018

Making The Move: Launching The Campaign

I want you to go over to the Study and read today's post. Then I want you to consider the following:

  • This is me pushing out of my comfort zone. I know I can write, but can I handle the business side of being an indie author? I don't know, and there is no other way to find out than to do this. I've chosen, after consideration, what I know for certain that I can deliver upon. If being conservative the first time out is wrong, this is how I'll learn that lesson.
  • Ultimately this is no-risk. If the project doesn't meet its (modest) goal, then no one loses money and I can go back to revising another manuscript and building up my newsletter subscribers until I'm ready to try again. This avoids one of my biggest fears, which is to go down like Porkins at the First Death Star; if I fail, I fail fast and at no loss other than to my pride- and pride recovers.
  • If it succeeds, I can immediately shift everything around to begin fulfilling my end of the bargain; being a lone gun has some advantages. Unlike certain individuals I know of, I won't be keeping you dangling for years waiting for a fulfillment that will get to you after Godot arrives.
  • If you want to see stuff that isn't SJW-converged, then you've got to put your money where your mouth is and support it. Here's a crystal-clear chance to do just that. Don't tell me about your character, show me; if you're loyal to me, I'm loyal to you- it's that damned simple. Few understand this, but those who do reap the rewards.
  • If you believe in this project, spread the word. Ain't no one here going to whine if you spread that link to the project campaign far and wide, so do it and be shameless about it.


  1. Bradford

    Will you sell your completed The taking of Gabrielle Robin at Amazon?
    I'm unable for now to support a freesarter/subscription patronage but I'd still want to support you


  2. Yes, the book will be available for sale on Amazon. The print edition will be staggered to come a few months after the ebook version to take advantage of any feedback from the ebook release.

    1. Bradford,

      Thanks! I look forward to the book and write a review as soon I finish it :)


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