Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Business: WOTC Has Decided To Replace What The Network Being Effected IS

Roll For Combat continues to let slip big info validating my take on Wizards of the Coast.

Let's put two things on the board right now:

  • Wizards of the Coast is a software company so all of their product development and releases are done with this in mind. This means that Current Edition is Eternal.
  • Wizards of the Coast is making D&D into a Lifestyle Brand, changing what the User Network is into a mass media user network and depreciating the Fantastic Adventure Game entirely- ultimately, including the all-digital/always-online Live Service business model for Current Edition in due course.

Hobbyists should take this news for what it is: a crystal clear signal that the Colony Drop will not save Conventional Play.

They should be standing up their Clubhouses now, getting the operations up and running smoothly, and transitioning all hobby activities to operate out of Clubhouses. The retail sector, the conventions, the viability of publishing games (in the Conventional Play mode) is over. What you see in that Roll For Combat stream archive is someone other than me, with better connections, independently validating everything I have said.

Wizards of the Coast has decided to dissolve the User Network and erect another.

Hobbyists have the opportunity to seize the User Network when WOTC discards it and become the owner of the dominant User Network by being "The true heirs of Dungeons & Dragons" and taking the hobby, medium, and social scene back underground where it belongs and should have stayed all this time. We can do this now, successfully, indefinitely.

The Status Quo is over. The chaos of disruption is upon us. We can seize the opportunities that come with this danger or we can be destroyed by it.

We trained all our lives for this. Time to act on it. Archive the old editions now, in multiple places, and optimize those files for Print On Demand; we'll be the only ones to make them available sooner than later.

1 comment:

  1. "all-digital/always-online Live Service business model for Current Edition in due course."

    According to Tenkar, the VTT that they are resting all this hope on is Still not ready for prime time...

    But you did make me think: What if the VTT Flops hard? But WotC is more or less able to get the other vidya stuff off the ground, will they care?


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