Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Culture: A Braunstein So Good It Make A Disappointing Game Interesting Again

Today Dunder Moose will be back on to talk about the most ambitious Braunstein yet: StarStein!

To say that this is an attempt to take a Non-Game and make a Real Game out of it is an understatement: "A WEG StarWars D6 Braunstein Variant with 27 players!?!?! DM Janeway: Agent of Nod dishes on the most audacious StarStein on the next This Is Dunder Moose!"

Fixing broken and dysfunctional Not-Games requires tinkering. That's a given. But 27 players? In some not-shit-and-pozzed version of Uncle George's Space Opera? That's something worth tuning in for, and that's at 1pm Central Time (2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific, 6pm GMT) today.

If you don't make it live, do watch the replay as soon as possible.

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