Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Culture: Behold The Failure To Gatekeep Braunstein

Last night, Dunder Moose had folks on to talk about Braunstein with Griff.

But he's still being a faggot about the label.

What the Bros do is Braunstein. He's still caught up on the trappings over substance.

As the purpose of a system is what is does, the proof of a concept is in the successful replication and execution of the structure by others following instructions.

The #BROSR successfully replicated the struction of Braunstein across multiple contexts. This proves that what matters is the structure and its execution--the machine--and not how you dress it up. Griff can bitch all he likes, but that is what was done; the Bros learned, mastered, and have refined Braunstein to its full potential.

Griff may yet realize his error, especially as more Bros spread the word and teach the ways to others.

But by then it may not matter what he thinks. Arguably it already doesn't. The Real Hobby has come back from the Memory Hole, and with SOBS' Big Move poised to collapse Conventional Play on Tabletop there will soon be no other form of Tabletop Adventure Gaming around.

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