Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Culture: Braunstein Is The Path Back To Hobby Greatness

This past Wednesday Jeffro got on with Dunder Moose and Gabriel to talk shop. And talk they did.

Notice that Jeffro points out something here that tends to be overlooked and dismissed: the people playing the game now DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT! They do not understand it because they do not know the foundational knowledge that makes it work. Yet anklebiters and low-IQ fuckwits consistently dismiss this as the reason for not grokking why the game is as it is.

Yet as soon as that knowledge is put back into place, it is as if the missing cog in a non-functional machine is replaced and the machine comes back to life.

Read the foundational literature and things that don't make sense suddenly do, and now that the game makes sense you can play it as intended without issue. That's how the scene was back then, and it is the failure of the Boomers to recognize that this lack was part of the reason for the younger cohorts' miscomprehensions of the games that lead to the Cargo Cult of Conventional Play arising and overtaking the real hobby.

The result of this remedial reading is that you'll arrive where the Bros are: Braunstein is the root of the hobby, not Le Adventuring Party. For the videogamers, it means that the hobby is PVP at its root, not PVE; this is PVPVE with the "E" in a depreciated state because the Referee shouldn't be intervening like this unless it is absolutely necesssary to maintain the integrity of the game or the campaign.

Then it's down to Just Do It. You'll fuck up. That's fine. Figure out what you did wrong, fix that, go again. Iterate your way to Mastery, learn to #winatrpgs, and become an #EliteLevel hobbyist.

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