Monday, February 5, 2024

The Culture: Big Gaming Wants YOU To Mindlessly Consume, Because It Hates You

Is this really what you want out of tabletop RPGs? To be reduced to Yet Another Lifestyle Consumerist Brand? To be made into this?

Macho Mandalf's take is the correct one here.

Though I like this one also:

But if you want to be a mindless consumer, go right head. Nothing can possibly go wrong!

It's not like there wasn't an entire genre of horror films all about that very thing, one of which is quite appropos for this post.


Or, if you value yourself and your immortal soul, you'll break that bondage to the Pop Cult and put your hobby back where it belongs: in the Clubhouse.

This is a hobby, not something to build your identity around. If you are so atomized, so alienated, so berefit of a connection to your family, your nation, your religion, and your God that you have to shove in corporate branding to fill a void that it cannot ever fill then you don't need More Product. You are disordered. You need Jesus. Go To Church! A real one, not one pushing the poz of the Death Cult via literal heresy.

In the meantime, as best you can (because we all know that this ain't as easy as it seems; principles are expensive), cut out Magic-Users By The Water and all their fellow travelers. They hate you.

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