Friday, January 19, 2024

The Business: Don't Buy (Non-)Games That You Don't Need

"But Walker, there's other RPGs out there that-"

I see you Anon, with that book behind your back. Come on, show me what you've got.

Really, Anon?

You have made a Category Error.

All that All Flesh Must Be Eaten (and its similar product, Terra Primate) is nothing more than a "universalist" product that uses "with zombies" as the excuse to justify publishing All The Things as part of that product line.

So I ask you, Anon: What is the value proposition of this product?

"Uh, rules for doing zombie movie style stuff?"

And that justifies having an entire product line of material to support an incomplete non-game? Really?

That didn't work for anyone else, and there's been so many attempts other then Eden's.

No, what you're after is the core appeal of the "zombie survival horror" scenario: very limited resources, relentless (but mostly avoidable) opposition, and the threat of infection/body horror.

That's not a viable product line. That's not even a viable product. That's two lines of rules, a couple of maps, some stat blocks, and a set of Win and Loss Conditions.

You mistook form for function Anon. Don't be stupid- you don't need to waste money on that stuff.

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