Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Business: Don't Buy Settings That You Don't Need

Jeffro gets to the point that Cargo Cult publishers and adherants fear.

As I said last week, Official Settings are not necessary.

I will go one step further. At best they are not necessary; more of than not, it's a grift.

The illusion of Official Settings rests upon a legacy of Tournament Play, which is at best depreciated now if not extinct. The other justifications rely on cross-medium branding (e.g. Rokugan with Legend of the Five Rings), brand licensing (e.g. Star Wars), or are just lazy or predatory grifting upon low-info Tourists and Normies.

You don't need it in a full and feature-complete game like Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition. Lazy publishers exploit Muh Setting to justify their paper-pushing product treadmill paradigm- not quite contemporary microtransactions, but the spirit is the same.


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