Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Business: Rounding Up Stuff I Missed While Offline

A storm blew through and knocked me offline late Friday night. So I missed all that went down yesterday. Hooboy. First, some video links.

Well, and then there's this.

And it's already resulted in Kissanime being shut down. Grab your stuff and DL it while you can folks, because regardless of how this shakes out it's going to be a mess and you'll be better off just having your favorite stuff on a local drive. If you have the option of getting physical copies, do so. (Also, reconsider learning Japanese and just getting it raw from the source.)

I'll get back to this as it begins to shake out.

Also, we're one step closer to these faggots getting shot.

Hugo isn't a suburb. Hugo is a small town. Minnesotans who had heretofore dismissed these terrorists as a city problem just got a wakeup call, and it wasn't a nice one.

If Governor Walz things this won't help his enemies win (re-)election this year and in 2022 (when his term comes up), he's fucking retarded.

And while the locals on that street may have been too bewildered to reduce those terrorists to corpse piles, that's no longer guaranteed elsewhere. Count the days. Sooner or later, they get SHOT.

And those fuckwits are going to find out the hard way that .243 Remington is a lot more lethal than 5.56mm.

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