Friday, December 8, 2017

We Don't Need No Stinking Statues: Fuck The Game Awards

The Game Awards were last night. If you missed them, and you want to waste over three hours of your life, I got you fam, but let's talk about how much of a shitshow dumpster fire they really were. This wasn't an award show. It was a shillfest that handed out trinkets here and there to avoid unwanted attention. While the awards were not a SJW shitfest, they were still laughable and now I hand this over to Razorfist and his rant against the Dorito Pope's personal insult to gaming.

End the Dorito Pope and this farce of an awards show. A game still unfinished was up for Game of the Year (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds), and Fake Games (walking simulators) actually got considered. That's not a legitimate award show; that's a big ad fest fraudulently calling itself an award show. Fortunately, for now, sufficient need to disguise this fact remains that actual games more-or-less won the awards offered and Fake Games got the cold shoulder.

But, nonetheless, this truth remains: Gaming Needs No Awards. Just as narrative is completely unnecessary, so is handing out plaques and statutes. The real awards are in sales figures and features stolen for future projects; the failures litter the landscape, having been undone by being full of suck, blow, and fail. Victory is the only award that matters, and its token of achievement actually has real power: continued growth and dominance.

Burn it all to ash, and start by lighting the Dorito Pope ablaze. The sooner this cancer gets burned out, the better gaming will be.

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