Monday, September 9, 2024

The Culture: Proof That Non-Commercial Hobbyist Work Is What Matters In Tabletop

We take this pause in shitting on Griff the Grifting Faggot to direct your attention to a pair of big BattleTech lore drops that shit all over what the faggots at Catalyst Game Labs do.

(Sven will have a compliation video for his Terran Alliance series Soon (TM), returning to the Third Succession War next weekend.)

This is what sells BattleTech now. Not CGL's pozzed propaganda, or the Mammon Mob enablers among them trying so hard to respond to commercial incentives.

You don't need what CGL sells. There's decades of used materials in print, and PDFs aplenty floating about, and that's before realizing that MegaMek has all you need to play without giving CGL a penny.

Oh, and here's a bonus video, courtesy of Mechnical Frog.

And yes, Tex and the gang have something coming soon also.

Fuck CGL. Fuck commercialization. This is a hobby, and it is the hobbyists that matter. Everything else can die in nuclear fire. This is the lesson CGL, and other pozzed publishers (Mammon and Molech-aligned alike), shall learn by suffering as the Collapse hits like a Colony Drop and destroys them.

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