Friday, September 20, 2024

The Culture: The Cosmic Braunstein Of Immortals And Trumps

Last night, Dunder Moose talked of Amber Diceless and Braunstein.

This should not surprise anyone familiar with Amber or the Zelanzy series that it's derived from. The setting is built to be run as a Braunstein, and one of the default scenarios--Throne War--is in fact a Braunstein scenario condensed to something (like the original) you can do at a convention in a few hours.

The game presumes that players are not one Get Along Gang, and that fighting over the Throne of Amber or the Courts of Chaos (or both) is in the cards.

Because the Shadows are infinite in variety, you can come across Amberites or Chaos courtiers running Shadows that more resemble Legend of the Galatic Heroes or SpaceMace 39K than the swords, sorcery, and sounds of cannon fire you get in the books. That makes certain things tricky to consider, and no the (whopping two) books published do jack squat to address this as Macris does in ACKS.

Watch the replay to see what is done to handle the missing elements that answer those questions and more. (Hint: Expect a lot of "more".)

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