Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Culture: Stickbundle Gets Served Swedish Leftovers

Basic Expert says what many Bros have figured out.

I will put it plainly: Griff is a faggot.

The very attempt to disclaim that the Bros have not only mastered the Braunstein form, but to have advanced its development to a point where its potential is achieved and thus acts to confirm that Tabletop Adventure Games are a form of wargame, was the biggest self-own and Red Flag and all of us have caught on by this point.

It doesn't matter why he did it. He did it, and he's doubled-down on it time and again. He's wrong, and so is everyone that takes his side.

But this behavior? Bitchmade.

Open up, Griff. Time for some Bitch Lasagna.

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