Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Culture: The Gangstein Breakdown

Last night Dunder Moose sat down with the others in the Gangbusters Braunstein and did a post-mortem.

This is a fantastic post-mortem debriefing.

People need to see how these things work, what worked as intended and what did not, and how any errors made can be improved going forward. People need to see the tools that exist being used as intended. This is what is sorely lacking, and the Commercialism that the Cargo Cult of Conventional Play is slaved to severely disincentivizes doing so as there is no money in selling complete products or teaching them to use it vs. suckering them into buying crippleware and then to sell them solutions to the problems they bought.

This breakdown, as each player goes about their post-mortem debriefs, shows this in action.

This breakdown invites questions from the curious, which can be (and should be) left in the Comments for others to answer- either as a reply or a Response Video.

Put this on, have some note-taking tools handy, and leave questions in the Comments. This is how the Real Hobby came back from the Memory Hole, and it is how the Real Hobby will survive the oncoming collapse and be The Only Thing Going after the fact.

Where we're going, we don't need business viability or commercial potential. We need more of this.

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