One of the hosts of Geek Gab, Dorrinal, has decided that he too wants to run a Braunstein.
His game to run? Let's say that you've definitely heard of it.

(It could be another edition, but 2020 is still the best one available. Sorry Red fans.)
Which means that there is instant recognition that the other game you probably heard of would work very well.

Yes, I prefer 1st or 2nd Edition.
The crazy thing is that, when you get down to it, this will end up looking a lot like Fluid's recent Gangbusters game only with way more factions in the mix both sides of the law. You just have a different set of tropes and trappings to play with.
It will also, I think, solve a lot of long-standing problems with the games such as having your hacker characters playing a completely separate game from everyone else becauuse (surprise, surprise) you can actually handle the hacks away from the table. Same with doing legwork, getting medical work done, sourcing supplies, recruiting muscle, etc. because all of that can be handled as Orders to the Referee or played out directly player-to-player with the Referee being informed of the results to report to everyone else.
Which means that what goes on at the table is the run itself. All that other stuff? Players diffusing into separate angles that then converge back on the run when it goes down, and we see who got the drop upon whom and thus which runner(s) come out on top and which get toasted and left face-down in a ditch.
Good luck, runners. You'll need it.
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