Monday, August 5, 2024

The Business: SOBS Confirms The Murder Of Tabletop Conventional Play

Pick up the phone, because I called it.

The only thing left unconfirmed is that this will be usable via Mobile Trash app.

Everything else I've gone on about has been confirmed by Sorcerers By The Sea. I will not hear any gainsaying henceforth about SOBS, Conventional Play, or how the former has put the latter on borrowed time for the Tabletop medium and the Cargo Cult of Conventional Play.

Your time is running out, so either you choose now or SOBS choses for you: Follow SOBS to Vidya, repent and seek admittance to the Clubhouse, or quit entirely because there is no future for Conventional Play on Tabletop.

Now I get to post the Smug Face.

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