Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Business: More Outlets Confirm My Take On The SOBS Story

Clownfish is the latest to report on the new SOBS shot-caller being like the last.

The plan that Williams began is still on course. Hight is there specifically to advance the abadonment of Tabletop for Vidya.

Current Edition Stans will cope, seethe, and mald like Karl Marx whining about not getting enough handouts from his supporters to pay the bills and go on holiday. They will cry, bitch, moan and then--like the Brand/Death Cultists and paypigs they are--they will go along with it so they can stay in the User Network and benefit from the Network Effects so they can stay in the all-important Current Edition Network and not suffer Fear Of Missing Out as they give money to people who hate them (as Marx hated his supporters and held them in contempt).

(Hit that link. Watch that video. My contempt is justified.)

Other D&D channels are picking up this story because they are becoming unable to ignore what I've been saying for about a year now. Soon they will begin making their choices on which way to go. Some will follow the SOBS Slobber channels, get on their knees, and shill for them for free- not even being paid whores. Some will go into denial and flee deeper into their delusion bubbles that Conventional Play is Eternal; we'll see them do Bud Dwyer impressions more and more over the coming years as reality hammers them into pieces. No few of them will quit the hobby entirely for something else, and the rest will clamor at the gates of the Clubhouse crying for asylum.

Asylum that all but a very few do not deserve and shall not get.

No forgiveness without repentance. No admittance without reformation; only those that return to the Real Hobby get past the gates.

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