Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Culture: The Opposition To The Bros Needs To Level Up To Compete

Jeffro has a request.

That's in reference to this livestream where the Conventional Play side fumbled the ball.

The proof is this simple: they try it, they like it, they want more of it. It's a "Hey Mikey" reaction.

Yes, I am that old.

It's something else when you play a full and complete game that, when used exactly as it instructs you, and you get the result that the manuals promise you.

This is something that Conventional Play has problems with because they don't have that experience, so they have issues with people arguing for this because they have so much experience with dysfunction that they have no idea what functional games look or play like.

It's no different than someone who only knew abuse not being able to grok what healthy function looks or feels like.

Therefore Conventional Play objectors are at a handicap when dealing with the Bros and those who have come to their position through direct experience. Conventional Play will have increasing difficulty doing this because of pressure building up from both the Bros and from Sorcerors' betrayal of them as SOBS executes its business strategy aimed to fuck them in the ass without lube.

Getting is from both ends is an untenable position. The Cargo Cult of Conventional Play is on borrowed time.

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