Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Culture: "D&D Is A Braunstein"- The Bros Issue A New Challenge

There was a stream on Dunder Moose's channel on the Bros' recent attempt to make more of Braunstein.

Professional wrestling personae aside, this is a fantastic stream where Bros critique Bros because the Bros have no opposition from without in the hobby.

The first hour is critique of recently completed Braunstein events in various campaigns. These are invaluable critiques, worthy of note-taking for later reference and reflection.

Take note that all of the advice given is antithetical to what Conventional Play Cargo Cultists have pushed for almost 50 years.

And BDubs dropped a new challenge: Players--the folks running the mans at the table--are to step the fuck up and start playing every session like a Braunstein. He called it "The #ElitePCChallenge": players are to active provoke Braunstein-level action by July 4th of this year (2024). BDubs is a smart guy; he's seen the pattern and he's calling it out so others can grok it and act on it themselves.

Oh, and note that the hobby suffering from commercialism is not just my opinion.

No one else is even able to comprehend how good this is for the hobby. This is the Clubhouse in action. In a few years, this will be the norm in the hobby because (a) this is the game, and (b) it's far more fun and exciting than Conventional Play ever could be.

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