Friday, June 21, 2024

The Business: The Signals From The Many-Colored Magicians Are Clear

Meanwhile, the Sorcerors By The Sea in their Tower of Many Colors:

This is not SOBS being retarded. This is the DIE Regime doing the usual.

That's right, this is the DIE Regime using Muh Wacisms and Muh Sexisms to continue the erasure of Real D&D.

The signal is loud at clear: they hate you.

They also take the legacy audience for granted, and since far too many Cargo Cultists have proven themselves to be paypigs they have good reason for that confidence.

They fully intend to use this to hook people into the persuation funnel that begins the medium transition from Tabletop to Videogames, and part of that persuation process is to convince folks that their Fake D&D is better because it's dissocated from and disavowed its creators, so this is a Clean Break moment that the medium transition facilitates psychologically as well as culturall and financially.

For the love of God, and for Gary and Dave's sake, and for your own self-respect-

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