Monday, March 11, 2024

The Culture: This Playstation Announcement Smears It In Their Faces

Why would you put up with this:

When you can buy a console or open an account at Steamand get this:

That's what you Conventional Play people have to deal with.

I can't put it any simpler than that. Given what you say that you offer, and given what you have been proven to offer, you have no value proposition to make to someone looking for that sort of experience.

"Muh Narrative!" Videogames do it better.

"Muh Gameplay!" Videogames do it better.

Add on superior convenience and lower cost--yes, even at AAA prices--and you're pants-on-head retarded to see why Conventional Play is screwed when WOTC pulls out.

"But that's single player!" you say. Well fuck you Helldivers 2 exists.

That's far more fun than anything you Conventional Play people can offer.

No DMs--and H2 has a Game Master--fucking with you via Rule Zero because they're incompetent, ego-possessed, or both. The game is what it is, and you can tell who the fuckwits are by how often they can't be bothered to fix their Skill Issues and actually get the job done- what good games force players to do in order to win.

No Schedule Your Fun bullshit either. Boot up, power up, form up, drop down and get it done until Real Life calls you back. No one cares if you dip out. No one cares if you're not able to play for a week or a month. Just show up, play your fill, and go home happy. You can't do that. (But the Bros can and do.)

These are not problems for the Bros; they're already enjoying the benefits of implementing Lindy solutions. It you Cargo Cultists that need to play catch-up.

That light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. What do you do?

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