Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Business: A Few Clubhouse Topics To Come Soon

Think of this as a preview for future Clubhouse articles.

Games That Work Great In A Clubhouse Environment

In no particular order:

  • Adventurer, Conqueror, King
  • Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition (This deserves an article to itself, as there are caveats.)
  • Gamma World 1st edition. (2nd and 3rd deserve investigation)
  • Boot Hill
  • Classic Traveller
  • Car Wars
  • BattleTech

This will be a series, going into detail as to why the structure of the game implies the use of a Clubhouse environment and find best expression therein.

The Implied Setting of AD&D1e

By request, I'll be cleaning up and reposting my Race and Class posts for AD&D1e at the Clubhouse.

The rewrites will build on the implications in the rules to construct what the game's implied setting actually is and how adventurering characters (and their monstrous counterparts) actually work.

This will tie into the caveats on 1st Edition's corpus, and why it's a good idea to cut out almost all of the '80s publications.

Raising The Barn & Holding The Gates

More on setting up and running a Clubhouse, be it physical or virtual.

This will seem Duh No Brainer, but I find that a lot of people just don't get how to do this because they've never put any thought into managing a group pursuit of any sort; at most, they showed up when and where they were told to.

This will include referring to current events in the scene as appropriate for illustrative purposes, such as this one recently.

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