Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Culture: Even Wizards Is Returning To The Clubhouse

Magic-Users By The Water is run by former executives from Microsoft and Zynga. Hasbro, the parent company, is run by MUBTW's former CEO.

Magic-Users see that the present tabletop-focused business model is a dead end. The C-Suite at MUBTW, backed up by Hasbro's C-Suite, are in the middle of executing a plan that transitions Current Edition from a product-focused business model to a subscription-based business model. The next edition will be a subscription-based videogame, with all of the orders-of-magnitude-more profit to be had thereby.

How should hobbyists take this development?

MUBTW is correct: the product-focused model is a dead end.

MUBTW wants to complete Current Editions ongoing transition from a product-focused business to a Lifestyle Brand because the MBAs in the relevant C-Suites know that Consumerism is how you maximize profitability for entertainment-originated brands. In short, they want to do a Hello Kitty to Current Edition; the recent movie, whatever you think of it, was a big signal (and attempt) to do just that.

This is not the only response that works.

Take another look at that subscription idea.

MUBTW's C-Suite draws from Microsoft and Zynga for a reason. Those are companies with experience in turning users into repeating revenue generators. They do so using casino-style psychological tricks in their marketing and business operations, especially Zynga. Daily log-in rewards, limited-time exclusive cash shop items, the entire need to pay a recurring fee just to play at all (and thus maintain access to your stuff), and other elements of Fear Of Missing Out are part-and-parcel of why that model is so profitable.

But--and this is the key point here--it requires that you create and sustain a Walled Garden to create exclusivity and be able to gatekeep access.


You're returning to a clubhouse, one way or another. Do you want to be treated like an Amazon wagie in a warehouse, or do you want to be treated like a valued friend and colleague.

And if you prefer to be in a real clubhouse, instead of a walled garden where you're treated like a wagie, you'll want to hit up The Clubhouse this weekend.

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