Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Culture: When A Cargo Cultist Reveals That They Can't Read

Friend of the Retreat and fellow Bro Jon Mollison pointed this out during yet another anklebiting incident yesterday.

Jon nails it.

The Cargo Cult does not read the primary sources. They rely on Cargo Cult dogma and Just So stories, and they cannot parse primary sources when presented them.

They do not read, do not know how to read, and cannot parse a technical manual to save their lives. This explains a lot about Cargo Cult publications, practices, and positions generally.

What will blow their mind, after having all of the receipts proving that the #BROSR is right shoved in their faces, are the receipts showing that videogames do everything they want out of the hobby better than their precious products for the tabletop do- starting with showing why all the Conventional Play people with real talent go to vidya or film/TV as soon as they can (starting with Warren Spector decades ago).

This is low-status behavior from status-anxious losers that are sufficiently self-aware to know it, and they resent it, so this is how they act when confronted with the truth. They demand the deference and respect of high-status prestige position holders WITHOUT HAVING ONE. Then they get mad when they don't get what they (delusionally) expect.

They get clowned upon, and they deserve getting clowned upon.


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