Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Culture: Rebuke The Fetter That Lets The Poz In

I mentioned Stupid British Toy Company yesterday for a reason: they pozzed the Fantasy revival.

To which I can only say "And?"

It's not like there aren't extensive online libraries of the former editions of both the wargame and the RPG out there. It's not like there aren't massive libraries of STL files full of 3D scuplts of Fantasy's races and heroes. It's not like there isn't a healthy secondary market for all this stuff either. It's not like you can't just find or make a POD-ready file library of manuscripts and then be sneaky about setting up POD listings for them.

The Death Cult relies on Consumerism and Officialdom to poz you. Destroying those fetters destroys their attack vector.


The fandom decides what is and is not canon, not the IP holder. The only reason Stupid British Toy Company revived Fantasy at all was to address the fact that Fantasy's fandom did exactly that when it got discontined in favor of Sigmarines.

Then Total War: Warhammer happened, which brought back Fantasy to big attention, and here we are.

To all you Fantasy fans, I say unto you this: The very thing you've done to compel the company to revive it at all is what must be done to purge the pozzing.

You are no different than your 40K counterparts. You have trained for this moment for years. This is Chaos come calling, and you are now being tested.

All you have to do now is close your wallet.

You do not buy New Product. Not this. Not anything else- including all the tie-in stuff.

The people who pozzed this revival are the people that hate you. Don't give money to people that hate you. Put that money towards more and better 3D Printers, towards a POD machine of your own, and so on instead.

You don't need Consumerism when you have a Clubhouse.

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