Monday, January 8, 2024

My Life As A Gamer: Remember That Adding To The Game Is Allowed

"I don't like this rules-as-written stuff. I feel stiffled."

Anon, you don't read Castleport Sessions or other #BROSR blogs posting Session Reports. Macho Mandalf has invented his own spells, there's been magical items added that were never in the core rulebooks, and there's been new monsters invented also that are all now in the campaign.

You Can Do This Too.

No, you don't have to do Le Creation Original. If Oriental Adventures, even given certain caveats, come down to "Take (X) from (Y) and put into the game" then you can do the same thing.

Let's take something from the biggest videogame franchise in fantastic adventure games and do that sort of thing: Final Fantasy's Red Mage, specifically the FF14 version.

And, to show you that AD&D1e can do far more than you think it can, I will lean hard into the Red Mage themes and aesthetics and make this a Bard-like class. That means that I am making this a class that only Elves, Half-Elves, and Men can access (and the lattter only via the Dual Class rules).

The idea is to take the Fighter-Mage concept and narrow it down to a very specific iteration, as the AD&D1e Bard takes the Fighter-Thief-Cleric concept into a very specific iteration, and create something new.

As with the Bard--and if you haven't read that Class, you should--the power it offers comes at the cost of being both difficult to qualify for and being unlikely to survive long enough to try to become one.

Yes, I intend to use the Job Stone in the class design; this will address a specific rule mechanic (Training).

Over at the Clubhouse I'll do a breakdown on how I did it this coming weekend.

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