Friday, October 20, 2023

My Life As A Gamer: Not The Universe, But It's A Great Start

This? This will sell so many ACKSII copies.

Which means we're getting Hyborea for ACKS.

And that is a massive win. It's been years since Mongoose did their surprisingly decent adaptation (the first edition) with its excellent The Road of Kings setting book, and I cannot wait to see that surpassed with which Macris and Dixon can do now that so much of Howard's work either is Public Domain or will be soon.

And Hyborea is aching for a real campaign. Wars, intrigues, and adventurers in the shadows taking what they can to find their own fortunes. Jeweled thrones ready to be tread under by sandalled feet. This is a massive win and there is no other way to say it.

Next thing you know he'll announced a Barsoom or Venus product.

The universe is a ways off, but you have to start somewhere and this is a great start.

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