(Following from yesterday's post.)
It really is this simple.
Peeling away at the habits, practices, and (lack of) experiences of Cargo Cult naysayers reveals this to be a persistent pattern.
And interrogation always ends up painting the naysayer, by their own admission, as this guy:
You tourists don't want to play a game. You want the tabletop version of a walking simulator, which are called "novels", and that is mature technology with a well-defined craft for both writing and selling that you tourists would be better served doing than taking up space in a hobby you don't understand, don't want to, and get mad when this is pointed out to you.
Here, let me help you get started: you can publish your own worldwide for free.
Meanwhile, we want to play a game.
Games have defined objectives, Win, and Loss Conditions. Games are defined by, and are to be played strictly by, a standard set of rules and procedures. Games gives players limited resources to work with to pursue those objectives using the rules and procedures provided, and games end when one player Wins or all players Lose.
There is not a damned bit of narrative logic involved.
This, by your own admissions, is not what you tourists do; you do something like what girls do with toys.

This is not acceptable hobby behavior. You want to write fanfic, like those hacks at the Devil Mouse, and pass it off as Teh Bestest Evar. Go write a book, publish it, and sell it; you might even get lucky and succeed. But you're not gamers, and you never were; now that we know who and what you are, we are driving this bus and deporting you.
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