Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Culture: What A Reframed Hobby Scene Might Look Like (A Series)

I said this past week that winning the game means reframing the hobby.

This coming week I will continue to do that by reframing popular games in the hobby as if they were purpose-build Fantastic Adventure Wargames. Some will, as I have said previously, take more revision than others.

I won't need to address Dungeons & Dragons. Chainmail through to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition fit the bill as they are. 2nd Edition and forward (including the clones) slip away; the answer to "What to do about D&D?" is answered with "Play AD&D1e" and there's nothing more to say about the matter. That's why I'll be focusing upon other well-known games that regularly come up.

I will mention one game, and its spinoffs, that heretofore I had not mentioned in this context and yet--with just one change--would fit just fine.

After that, I will take other games that really ought to be reconsidered as Setting Bibles to be used with an existing game. You'll see me mention several well-known games in this series, some of which are entire product lines or company product catalogs, and I will come at all of this as if I were Yoshiyuki Tomino writing one of his classics.

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