Again proving the superiority of the original game's design by showing receipts.
@RubeJelly complains that Dave Arneson never produced any significant material after inventing D&D. The fact remains, if you have a sufficiently large group of elite players, YOU DON'T NEED ANY OF THE USUAL RPG BLAH BLAH to have a phenomenal campaign!
— Cardinal Jefforieu (@JohnsonJeffro) July 4, 2023
That event is up at Jeffro's blog, "The Case Against Goldenrod the Elf (preliminary draft)", and others who've interacted with the accused are already testifying in the matter in-character.
Others are now taking up the practices, are asking about getting the materials, and are asking about implementation- all of this more evidence that the Preference Cascade has begun and is now becoming an avalanche.
Rhetorical fallback positions are forming, but they won't hold up for long--again, receipts trump all--against the onslaught of people seeing the beneficial effects for themselves and (a) getting excited for the potential now proven to be there and (b) mad at those that shoved all of this down the Memory Hole for so long that it was almost forgotten entirely.
Jeffro is right again: the Preference Cascade has kicked off in earnest. Now is the time to bury naysayers in receipts while showing those that other games can also be--and should also be--played in the real manner now recovered and restored, and to shun those that cannot.
Oh, and as this filters back to Magic-Users By The Water and Official Game expect those that make bank crying about Official Product so they can sell you Shit You Never Needed to (a) try to jump in front of it to appropriate it (attempts already forming there), (b) attempt to neuter or derail it (the point for doing A), and then (c) lose their shit like a certain blunted edgelord did. It won't work; the #BROSR is clearing out generations of parasitic suitors grasping at the posterity left to us by better men.

The Bros are back in town.
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