(Following from yesterday's post.)
I said that the Preference Cascade had hit, and the naysayers are trying to set up fallback positions, and that's come to pass.
This case is not being tried in-session.
— Mr. Wargaming (@NotJonMollison) July 5, 2023
There may be some in-session RP, but the arguments are being made, and the decision shaped, by conversations scattered across social media.
Both front facing and Direct Message groups. https://t.co/FZtw9Eesyl pic.twitter.com/LYOc56zook
This experiment(just play by the rules) is barely 3 years old and you’re reproducing results that LARP groups needed 10x the players to achieve
— Jeremy the Foolish(Wis18) (@ticviking) July 6, 2023
It's amazing to see people start to see the proof, accept it for what it is, and change their behavior accordingly.
As the word gets around, more people are going to see that Jeffro is right--that the Bros are right--and decide that they want this for themselves. Younger gamers and those playing in person are taking to this far more readily than the old-timers whose entire self-worth is tied up in maintaining the illusion that this is not the way it's meant to be done.
Gelantinous Rube is already applying the concepts to Current Game, meaning that it's only a matter of time before Current Game Enjoyers get to run right into this and face the facts themselves.
You can bet that more people will start showing others how to do this with games other than Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition as happenings accelerate and naysayers find their audience evaporating under the deluge of receipts.
You watch players put stuff into this thing and it just goes by itself. It's magic. Every time, it works better than you could have planned. Nothing is wasted. Everything about it is astonishing and your players keep coming back and begging to play more than you even want to run. https://t.co/D0QWCcc9th
— Cardinal Jefforieu (@JohnsonJeffro) July 5, 2023
Harder to run premade stuff than to just make something up.
— Cardinal Jefforieu (@JohnsonJeffro) July 6, 2023
The stuff you make up with your friends is objectively better. https://t.co/A6gPaLnZbd
You can see the fallbacks starting to crack and crumble already.
As the word spreads, each one will collapse in turn. There is no stopping the Preference Cascade now. I'll let a giant off-brand muppet from the '90s explain.

You're not stopping this.
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