Thursday, December 22, 2022

My Life As A Gamer: Rube Talks AI Dungeons & Space AT&T Gets A Lore Video

The Christmas gifts are coming in now, and today we have two for you. First is Gelantinous Rube with the first in a trilogy.

Rube refers to some samples. You can find them here.

The random dungeon charts in Appendix A of the AD&D1e Dungeon Master's Guide are a machine learning tool in being, ready to be coded, and Rube's showing how it all works today .

Rube's giving you instruction with immediate and direct utility to your campaign play. Grifting gurus charge you through the nose for something like this, and he's giving it away, so don't be an ungrateful cunt about it; thank the man for showing you how to fix your problems down to what to do and how to do it step by step.

Oh, and good on Rube to slap Mike and Beast for claiming that they came up with JeffroGygaxian Timekeeping without citing Jeffro. Those two lying, thieving soy-filled faggots and poseurs deserve worse than a sly shiv of the tongue.

I look forward to the next two in this series.

Now, on to the next. Big Red's releasing a big lore video at noon Eastern time today.

No, Big Red isn't Sven or Tex, but he's good enough for when you're waiting for those two to drop a new video and want a lore fix- much like Baldemort or Arch are good enough while waiting for Luetin to drop a new SpaceMace 39K video.

Yes, this is about when Space AT&T went Full Tilt Bozo and became the 24/7/365 Spacing Guild LARP Cult (but, again, lacking an Arrakis or anything derived from it that said Guild needed to be at all interesting).

Should be a good time. Check it out.

Oh, did I say two? I meant three. LUETIN TALKS KRIEG!

For those that watched the Vraks video series, or the as-yet-unfinished breakdown of Krieg's civil war, you'll already have a good amount of this lore in hand. For the rest of you, intrigued by SODAZ's videos a few years ago that featured the Death Korp, Luetin's dulcet tones are here to make you glad that you don't live there or deal with what they leap to volunteer for (like Vraks and Octarius).

And yes, this is the sort of batshit crazy fanaticism that makes very similar regiments like the Mordian Iron Guard--the folks who fight in dress uniforms in Napoleonic style--look askance and go "That's a bit much, mate."

Oh, and there's going to be more coming later this week. Merry Christmas indeed.

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