Monday, March 7, 2022

The Business: What One Funny Brit Does To Make Gaming Better

This man built an entire YouTube channel off of exposing game designers lack of due diligence in product development, and it is hilarious.

Hit up his channel. He does this routinely, and I cannot accept that game publishers and designers do not know of him by now. He makes a nice amount of monthly income by showing up what cutting out Quality Assurance in your development results in, and no sensible publisher or designer wants egg on their face--or damage to their brand--hitting them like this. It's one thing when Yatzhee cuts a bad review; that's him snarking while telling you your game is shit. This cut deeper, as it shows people just how badly you screwed the pooch and shows others how to do it themselves.

I'll note that most of what he exposes as broken game mechanics are never fixed, with some exceptions being notoriously bad games like CP2077.

Meanwhile, companies that bother to do things properly not only are able to swim like Scrooge McDuck in vaults full of cash but also enjoy popular acclaim and those are the companies that (a) get targetted for convergence and (b) produce enduring classics that keep selling years, even decades, after original release- especially if they resist convergence.

Pay for a good QA team and treat them properly. The dividends do show up on the balance sheet.

1 comment:

  1. I will point out a small number of his videos have been sponsored by the company whose game mechanics he is roasting.
    But in general, yeah. He has a funny channel, and QA is definitely underappreciated.


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