This one is for the James Bond fans. Meet the man whom Ian Fleming based his most famous creation: Duško Popov.
Specifically, this is the Bond of Fleming's books and the early Connery movies and not that of later writers and actors. All Fleming did was to change some details (but not enough to avoid angering Popov) and emblesh some others (ditto) to make his superspy come to life. As Indy's video shows, what Popov did could be directly translated to film and not miss a beat, and that includes Popov's less-than-fruitful relations with the F.B.I. during his wartime experience in the United States.
And yes, like Audie Murphey, the man wrote an autobiography after the fact.

This is the sort of book that I would like someone like Mystery Grove Publishing to pick up and republish, as the prices of the used copies out there are Collector's Grade levels, and as with the recent republishing of other lost men of the 20th century Popov deserves to be returned to popular attention.
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