Monday, November 30, 2020

My Life As A Gamer: They Couldn't Copy Themselves Competently

Remember when I mentioned the "Threads of Fate" for Shadowlands? Turns out it's not as good as I hoped.

I will gainsay my video insertion here. For solo players, the most efficient leveling method is to replay the campaign until you're almost at the cap. Once you're in that last five percent or so, go back to Oribos and opt into the Threads of Fate system. By this time you will have already tried all of the Covenant abilities on that character and you will know which Covenant is the best pick for that character. (And yes, that means "Which one will be least likely to get me excluded from playing the actual game." because that is a thing.) Pick up those side quests you left behind leveling up via the campaign and complete those until you hit the cap, then get on with endgame.

The reason for replaying the campaign is because, being on rails, it gets faster with every subsequent run. You quickly learn what to do and how to do, where to go and when, and that is much faster than the botched Adventure Mode that Threads of Fate is for anyone not running in a dungeon grinding group. Throw on the Azeroth Auto-Pilot addon, and you take all of the risk out of the run; the addon auto-accepts and auto-completes the campaign quests, so all you need to do is go there and get quest objectives.

This is not a good sign. All they had to do was copy how Adventure Mode works in Diablo 3. They botched it. It's not faster than replaying the campaign. It's not more covenient than replaying the campaign. It's not more fun than replaying the campaign. It's a massive cockblock put in to punish players that don't want to be on rails, which is the entirety of their leading cohort as well as a plurality of the players at-large (if not a majority).

It's why I'm not using it that way. Best to use its functionality of auto-completing the campaign right at the end to skip some tedious bitchwork that comes at the cap, and as there is plenty of makework as it is that's a good thing.

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