Sunday, November 29, 2020

My Life In Fandom: The Music of "Legend of the Galactic Heroes"

For Sunday I thought I'd share some music playlists regarding Legend of the Galacitic Heroes. Most of the classic series uses Classical music as its score, so that stuff is in the Public Domain and easy to find. It stands to reason that someone would have identified all of the pieces used and collected them into a playlist, which has been done.

As for the original music used, most of that is limited to a few key leitmotif image songs and the usual Opening and Ending theme songs.

As the second video--collecting all of the original music together--shows, the musicians hired to do the original themes (not the pop songs, the leitmotifs) really are good enough to stand with the masters they used to score most of the series. (I cannot get enough of "Valkyries Love They Bravery", the Galactic Empire leitmotif.)

And I'm sharing all of this because we could all use more music to stir the soul, especially if you're like me and rely heavy on imagery to drive your creative efforts; music is imagery in audio form, painting with sound by using number in time, so it isn't surprising to think that some of us would rather put on the headphones to listening to music that fits the mood of whatever we're creating when we do so.

And it's bombastic enough to drive out the crap that passes for music in Clown World.

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