Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Narrative Warfare: The Mood Shifted

Last night terrorists flying the Burn Loot Murder flag mustered to do just that yet again in Kenosha, Wisconsin in response to a totally justified police killing of a career criminal.

During the course of the night, a local teenager who was on the scene to protect local property got attacked. He shot the three men who attacked him. Two of them are now dead. A third is wounded. These attackers were either wielding improvised weapons (i.e. a skateboard) or had weapons of their own (the survivor had a pistol), and they aimed to maim, cripple, or kill this local boy. You can see the critical moment below.

Between this and the Roof Americans guarding a local gas station, we can see that what I knew of Kenosha had born out. This is not a big city like Chicago, or even a smaller one like Minneapolis, with all the Big City politics therein. This is a smaller town, sandwiched between Milwaukee and Chicago on Lake Michigan, and acting as a bedroom community for the latter in particular. The sense of community long strangled and warped in big cities remains in these places, so I am not surprised to see locals not having it and spending their nights bearing arms to do what the police either cannot or will not.

And, not being cops, the armed locals are not inclined to play nice. The terrorists fucked around and found out. If BLM's legal arm and political wing think they can muscle in and use the law, they're going to be mistaken also, and that means we've got a social mood shift hitting.

I appreciate that, heretofore, the question of optics had been a sound reason to not go looking for trouble in the big cities where this mayhem's been going down for months since the death-by-overdose (and not by cop) of George Floyd in Minneapolis. It was unwise to leave one's own community to face the terrorists.

This is not that. This is those dwelling in that community coming out of their homes to defend what is theirs against outside aggression. The optics are not the same, however much the cohorts in the media want it to be, and the locals know it- something that is and will continue to be put forth due to a combination of independents on the ground and locals all taking to social media.

And those videos can be--and will be--subpoenaed by the courts when legal action comes. Twitter, et. al., may censor the postings but the uploads will remain and make it into the court records; their own lawyers in-house will say not to fuck with it due to the sensitivity of the matter.

Furthermore, you can bet that Trump's being kept in the loop about this. The Republican National Convention isn't over yet, and Trump can turn this to his advantage he will; Trump isn't a cuck, and he knows how to read a room. If he takes this up, that's the confirmation that the social mood shifted, but nonetheless the mood shifted last night and not in BLM/Antifa's favor. Why? This.

Rioter was just shot in the head tonight in #Kenosha

Rioters helping screamed “call the cops! call the police!”

A lot of us figured the street actors were just that, LARPing as revolutionaries, and now we've got solid confirmation of how unserious--despite being dangerous--they are. This is where we get to the question of violence, and how until now these terrorists had an advantage.

The reason for why they got away with so much is because, for them, violence is theater with desirable side-effects. It's exactly this principle in practice.

The rioting and so forth is intimidation. It is there to demoralize, terrify, and hobble the enemy. It is not there to exterminate the enemy. The violence put forth to stop this last night, while done in immediate self-defense, nonetheless is done to kill the enemy; corpses can't commit crimes. This is why when I say that the Wokies get violence wrong, I get people telling me I'm wrong; they mistake intimidation for extermination, failing to comprehend that terror regimes have to continue to terrorize to maintain effectiveness over time and as such become an ever-increasing cost that ends up bankrupting your regime. Corpse piles need only be heaped once; that enemy is now extinct and you are now free to make of his territory (etc.) as you will without regard for continued maintenance of control over a hostile populace.

This is why Wokies, like the other commies, have a very consistent playbook that involves disarming the populace and weaponizing state and media power against them. It's also why they mistake mass violence--typical street theater--for actual guerilla operations, which can be done solo; the current cohort, both street and office levels, are so used to playing the media game that they cannot conceive of opposition for whom none of that works.

We're going to, and soon, because this is locals defending their own turf and not idealistic out-of-towers trying to be the hero.


Death Ground.

When the common American sees that there is nowhere to run, no escape, that these terrorists will come to wherever he goes and keep at this shit then whatever reluctance he's got melts. That's what's happening now. First there was the intimidation of the Minneapolis Police union chief at his home in small town Minnesota. Now we have rioting and looting in small town Wisconsin.

Say that with me, "small town".

That's one step removed from "rural family farm" and every last American--even the cosmopolitan bicoastal shitbags who unironically insult those farmers by using "flyover country" as a slur--knows it. That's Death Ground in the American mind.

And that conjures this scenario.

Folks won't say so, but their behavior betrays their knowledge. They know it does.

Once it's smeared into their faces that BLM/Antifa is a clear and present danger to themselves, their families, and their property they will--and have in the past--had given no fucks about slaughtering such predatory threats when the government either cannot or will not do the job of ridding such threats. Last night was a reminder that this is true, and you can expect the media to feel this when they try to play BLM/Antifa as victims, as will the government actors when they try to wield state power. I've already put it out there that anyone on a jury in a case where Antifa/BLM attacked the defendant should flat-out nullify the charges and vote Not Guilty. I will do so if called. KTF.

It ain't over, but the time between just taking it on the chin and fighting back has.


  1. These mob ops are VERY vulnerable to disruption in the same way that the D.C. Snipers did.

    For those that don't remember, that was a father-son team. Driver and shooter, shooter firing from inside the vehicle. Roll up to a spot, pop a few rounds, scoot.

    Today, even with triangulation mics, that's STILL viable. What you need for maximum effect is a rifle with a suppressor attached and firing subsonic ammunition. You need only to reach out to 150-200 yards (a city block or two) to make this work, and a bolt-action hunting rifle is ideal for this sort of thing.

    Same general mode of operation. Roll into position, pop a few rounds, then scoot. Switch up vehicles and locations for better OpSec; you can do this solo, but better done as an autonomous two-man team. Focus on leaders. Take no more than three shots at a time, and vary your sortie frequency; hit or miss, take your shots and scoot. Ideally, just shoot once and then go.

  2. Bradford

    Don Lemon was tasked to be this week's cabana boy to tell BLM to tone down the brazen violence. It's impacting the internal Dem polls.


    1. Yep, and the attempt to farm up some martyrs for the cameras has failed. This is now working for Trump, not against him. He could (and should, if necessary) pardon that kid who's facing murder charges and get nothing but good optics out of it.

    2. Bradford

      The city charged the teen who whacked his attackers with murder?! Geez the district attorney got orders to make an example of the boy for the insolence of self defense.
      I hope he's gets good representation and jury nullification


    3. Yes, the local DA has charged him with 1st Degree Murder. That's not going to stick, but lesser charges may; people are organizing to aid in his legal defense, but GoFundMe already shut down one fundraiser. There's enough talk, not just our group, about the last guy who got railroaded to mount some attempt to prevent another.

      That said, the process itself is punishment. Tonight things are quieter, as the Feds are now on the scene at the WI Governor's request (after being shamed for inaction), but I suspect those key street agents have already left town. There's new looting here in Minneapolis.

    4. But the guy who clocked that driver in another city got bail.
      Geez this becoming a hot war



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