Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Narrative Warfare: How To Slip One Past Them (Immigration)

I'm reading the daily news brief over at Anonymous Conservative when I see this:

Because Congress failed to pass a COVID stimulus bill, US Citizen and Immigration is going to have to shut down due to lack of funding, essentially shutting down immigration to the US.

To which I could only do this:

I've seen the God-Emperor work long enough to entertain the possibility that he gamed this out and figured he had a means to make his enemies do an Own Goal like this, so he went for it as part of his bigger Xanatos Gambit. Why not? It's one more way for him to win, yet grants him something he can let go in favor of a more desirable outcome.

I've said that the G-E is magician, and this is more evidence of it. Strong negotiation acumen, if combined with comprehension of Face Culture, makes learning the Magician's Art a lot easier; all of them depend strongly on the principle that Perception trumps (heh) Reality. (Which, when I think about it, corresponds with something else I've noticed, but that's for another post.)

So what happened here? The TLDR is that the G-E has so persistently addled their collective amygdalas that they can't keep things straight, so as Trump sees things shake loose he deflects attention away from what he wants and gets them focused on what is ultimately inconsequential to him. This is one of those things he wants ignored; can't import more enemy actors if the entire immigration system is shut down. If they do get to acting on it, then he's got leverage he can use to negotiate what he wants- and that includes stalling long enough for the shutdown to occur.

Wictor says it daily: Read Your Sun Tzu. That's key to comprehending Trump, and somehow his enemies are absolutely incapable of doing this. That's why he's winning, and we win with him.

P.S.: You can check the progress of the Wall here.

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