Monday, June 1, 2020

Narrative Warfare: Nice Job Giving Trump The Win, Antifa

The God-Emperor has been very good at beating the traps his opponents set for him. This is no different.

It is the same trap. His enemies want him to overreach so they can impeach him again, and this time get the cucks in the Senate to sell him out. It's not going to happen, and it's not going to happen because Trump has already moved to put an end to the chaos: Antifa is a terrorist organization officially now. That means all 56 Joint Terrorism Task Forces are now mobilized officially to tackle the network and bring it to heel, and once the international ties are exposed--and they will be--additional measures are available and will be used.

No, you won't hear about it. No, you won't see anything until it's done and Trump is ready to announce results. Stop with "Trump is weak!" because you're demanding political theater out of a man who knows the game better than you do, and shows his mastery--his amused mastery--by how non-nonchalantly he displays his results. Just as he made good on his boast that Corona-chan's world tour would end by now (and it has), so will his plan to tackle Antifa and the rest of the Commie network defang his enemies.

The results are already happening, but you didn't recognize it because it didn't meet your expectations.

That's Thomas Wictor, by the way. Just be nice and don't say so to his face; he'll deny it and that doesn't help.

Between Wictor, Brian Cates (@drawandstrike), and a few others like Undercover Huber you get to see how Trump actually operates. It's Sun Tzu in action.

"All Warfare Is Deception."

This means such discipline that OpSec is never a concern, led by a man who carefully crafted a persona so strong that even brilliant minds (e.g. Vox Day) are fooled by it. The reason for this emphasis on OpSec is that it is clear that, as journalist David Hines so often says, Righties are incompetent at it while Lefties are not. (Why? It's a byproduct of organizing and operating networks in hostile territory.) This includes non-Lefty media figures both accepted and dissident such as Mike Cernovich, Vdare, Ram Z. Paul, Ann Coulter, and so on; all of them (including Vox Day) expected--and still do--uniformed soldiers backed by armored vehicles to march down the street in rifle lines and mow down the protestors.

As God is my witness, these people don't get the optics game, and yes the optics do matter. The very real trap relies on just that expectation being fulfilled.

So Trump does what he did with Corona-chan: fall back on the legal structure of the United States and its principle of Federalism. This principle places the primary responsibility on the most local officials, and those further up the chain cannot unilaterally act without either official request from the more local official or by statutory provision in law. It is on the mayors, first and foremost, to handle the rioting. County official are next, then state, and finally Trump.

Furthermore, Trump is (and has been with Corona-chan) using the same method he uses in foreign policy: a firm commitment to provide support and intelligence, and an outright refusal to do the locals' job for them. This is consistent with Federalism, avoids the trap his enemies put to him, and allows him to distract attention away from what he's actually doing that requires secrecy.

Look back to that Tweet. Let me summarize Wictor's thread: the Antifa agitator got snatched by a team of Federal agents in plain clothes working undercover, embedding themselves into the protest beforehand. They took the suspect across police lines and handed him to local officers to process. He will be interrogated and made to disclose his associates and other relevant intelligence. He may be turned into a double-agent and redeployed as a Judas Goat; savvy Antifa should be aware of this possibility, which can have dire consequences.

(Side Note: Jared Kushner isn't a Wormtongue. He's an Oberstein. Blaming him means you fell for another magician's trick.)

And such Federal counter-insurgency operations are here in Minneapolis. They swept in over the weekend and cleared out the operatives behind the violence here, leaving the remaining dupes to be cleaned up by local authorities and the Minnesota National Guard. (Note: The protestors are being left alone even if they violate curfew; the order allows for imprisonment to be an option, so most will just be cited and fined- and fines can be delivered after the fact in the mail as if they got hit by a speed camera. Better optics to just let them sit around and pontificate if that's all they do.)

Did you hear about this in the press? No, you didn't. You won't until long after it's all over.

So why operate this way? For the same way he does abroad: it allows for face-saving optics to be maintained, thus paving the way for peace since the psychological pressures are relieved and actual solutions that actually work can be faithfully and properly implemented. The use of force is focused on removing the capacity to do violence. It does not require the destruction of a people. It does not require conquest and occupation. It does not require putting boots to necks. All it requires is to take out the few actors capable of doing harm and destruction of the material means to do so; it is 4th Generation Warfare, and Trump's displayed mastery of it that no one expected.

No, not even Vox Day, and he's on first-name terms with the man who literally wrote the book on it.

No, I am not concerned with the rioting. This is a very desperate play by a very desperate enemy and it's already backfiring. Watch as Trump turns this back on his enemies, first and foremost by giving the protestors being exploited both the incentive and the opportunity to turn on Antifa and expose them to the world--these folks routinely stream their actions on the streets, so they'll do it--and once they do that then it's a short hop to get them to turn out the bad actors actually doing the burning and looting (those that aren't arrested because the chips in what they stole lead cops to them).

By no means will the CivNat Dream come about, but neither is this as dire as it seems. All this did is gurantee Trumpslide 2020 and you'll see it come November.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Cates, his Twitter thread on the matter today is here:

    Key quote: "They accepted **clandestine help** from foreign actors to get this prepped. They literally let foreign agents into this country to help facilitate it. That's why you're hearing Progressive leadership babble about "Russians" and 'foreign agents' helping the "right-wing groups" and "white supremacists" that are causing these widespread riots. They are projecting their own guilt."

    And: "When your American affiliate accepts foreign $ & trained agents to help you launch simultaneous attacks in US cities, you are no longer a mere "domestic" terrorist organization. Congratulations, guys, you've done it, you've hit the big time! You've gone international!"

    Finally: "When your organization is designated to be an **international** terrorist organization, that brings into play all kinds of financial tracking powers from the FBI, the Treasury Dept. and the State Dept."

    Antifa is fucked. The rest of the network comes soon thereafter, and that includes Antifa in government: Walz, Ellison, Omar and many more.


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