Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Narrative Warfare: YouTube Is An Abusive Drunk Wine Aunt

Mister Metokur is having YouTube problems again.

This is the second time YouTube has done this. The previous incident had Metokur doing regular shitposting streams and videos mocking YouTube's management and exposing the claims as being blatant and incompetent bullshit until they cut him the check paying what they owed. Expect this to happen again.

Is this due to incompetent staff? Yes. Is this deliberate hostile action? Yes. How? By deliberately and willfully giving incompetent partisan hacks jobs doing non-partisan moderation and legal compliance work, deliberately and willfully giving incompetent and vague direction, and deliberately and willfully dragging out the procedure for fixing the fuckups until it has to be done or Legal gets involved.

The goal is to keep screwing with a user until they either give up due to competing pressures forcing attention elsewhere, or the user crossing some line they can point to when interrogated by others and say "See, he violated the Terms of Service! That's why we shut him down permanently." It's all about those Queen Bee mindgames that abusive bitches use to play the passive-aggressive game of controlling the narrative surround their relationship.

It's the most basic bitch form of Narrative Warfare. It's the behavior of Gamma Males and bitchy women, and good on Metokur for being better at it than them, but ultimately the fix requires something more direct.

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