Monday, March 9, 2020

Narrative Warfare: We've Identified The Pattern.

It's time to talk about this comic and its reactions.

First, the original comic and the new follow-up.

And now, the most spot-on response I've seen to date.

You'll see this "I'm here to be social" pattern of behavior in every single SJW-pozzed narrative regarding gaming, be it tabletop or vidya, and you'll see it performed in every SJW-approved online D&D campaign (with Critical Role being the model for this vector).

They don't understand that gameplay is about GETTING SHIT DONE. That means it's no different in attitude than working, and between your ears it is the same thing; this is why gaming is so attractive to men, as it has the same appeal that athletics does, as most men are Doers (as all Delta-quality men are). The difference is that gaming is more about acumen and technique--it's a more technical, in the Everyman sense, than athletics--and if gaming, real gaming, were a D&D race it's be a glorious Dwarf working hammer upon anvil to craft the best arms and armor.

And real, proper workplaces are no place for socializing like gossip-mongering thots. Like a Dwarf's forge or shop, it's a place of focused energy upon doing your fucking job and doing it right. Communication is focused upon relevant communication, which is all about getting the job done. What is that job? Take that Dwarf craftsman, put him in the arms and armor he crafted, and then put him on the field in the shield wall. What now comes? Focused, skilled, and disciplined determination towards crushing the enemy before them and driving them from the field. One part Roman Legion, one part Viking shield-thane.

RPGs in particular, regardless of medium, are wargame derivatives and everything good about the genre celebrates that fact. All of the successful titles thrive when they embrace and celebrate that fact. All of the failing and dead ones disavow and disown it, and the reliable tell is this over-socialization behavior pattern in those pozzing the IP or the scene.

Make them work. Don't cede frame. They act like thots, so patrol them like thots, and they'll either stop being thots or they'll go thot elsewhere. And, and this is key, don't be afraid to wear the black hat. Be the Bad Guy if that's what it takes. Your successors will thank you.


  1. I'll play a little devil's advocate. I play D and D for the social experience. Now this is different then your side or their side. It means my friends like to hang out smoke cigars and drink beer while we play games. So I play d and d because they want to and very rarely they play core worlds because I want to. We are socializing while gaming. This is more like backyard football or horse shoes then real football.

    1. I see the difference. You're still DOING something. The socializing is focused around DOING something.

      This is socializing focused around TALKING with the intent to propagandize, indoctrinate, and enforce. Notice the girl above is acting like your typical Queen Bee sort? The sort that makes the call on what is socially acceptable or not, and everyone has to comply or suffer the consequences? This is the behavior behind deplatforming and revisionism; it's Oversocialization as a weapon.


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