Monday, October 28, 2019

Narrative Warfare: How #BrandZero Outflanks The Death Cult

In light of the #BrandZero initiative, it's good to remember a bigger reason to participate in it: it's a direct Narrative Warfare counter-attack technique.

I wrote this at Empire Must Fall on December 17th of 2017:

Anciently, when a conqueror completes a conquest one of the things done do cement control and establish dominance is to change the mythology of the conquered nation. Their heroes get degraded, their deeds defiled, and the conqueror's heroes supersede them in all ways- often with ease. To the generation surviving the conquest, this is insult added to injury, but left unchecked the generations that follow will accept this degenerate mythology as normal- and if the conqueror is wise, they leave an out for the subjects to go all the way and buy into their control. It's the mythological equivalent of killing a man, taking his wife for oneself, and slaughtering his children by her before seeding your own to both remove loose ends and make her accept the conquest as inescapable.

That was in the wake of a Big Brand's last big movie franchise release, soon to be followed-up this December. You know which one I'm talking about.

Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that this is not exactly what's going on. Another Big Brand franchise did this explicitly with its most recent release, complete with Satanic inversion of the sexes and character assassination of the legacy characters, and gallons of Waif-Fu for (dis-)flavor. Every time you see a reboot or remake out of Pedowood, including the streaming services, you can count on this sort of thing going on- and yes, this is and has been ongoing for years now.

"But we still have the originals."

Not for long.

Replacement necessarily requires removal of what is replaced. This is how it will be done this time. To appropriate Tankie band Rage Against The Machine's better lyrics, They don't gotta burn the books; they just remove them. As with books, so with film and television. Rights management will facilitate this easily.

The Supreme Dark Lord, Vox Day, anticipated this when he saw that digital books could be edited and removed on the sly and knew that availability control would come to print soon enough. It's why he organized a project to reprint the Junior Classics in their 1918 edition; keeping the true culture available in a legally-attainable form is vital to defeating this gaslighting. Piracy, while helpful, gives the enemy a reason to imprison and isolate you; having legal, affordable means to maintain access to the clean culture that the Death Cult abhors is required to win.

#BrandZero directly contributes to this end by cutting off attention to the Death Cult's SJW-Converged replacements of what they stolen, killed, and wear as skin suits; that attention has to go somewhere, and channeling it back--to Regress Harder--to the roots before rebuilding anew is the best way to make use of that attention. (That's "Fork and Replace" in action.) Therefore, having that cultural capital freely available so that attention gets captured and used to good ends is necessary; combined we have the technique to outflank the Death Cult and prevent them from changing our mythology- from taking control of our narrative by changing our perception of it.

We need to not only cut off our attention and money, but support those who are ensuring that we can successfully route around the Death Cult and cut them out entirely.

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