Monday, September 2, 2019

Narrative Warfare: It Always Comes Back To Child Sacrifice

Neon Revolt posts this Crowder clip about Epstein, and it got me thinking.

I have never heard a conspiracy theory that, at some point, didn't come around to child abuse and human sacrifice- often of those same children. Aliens? Yep. Ancient Aliens? You betcha. Satanic/Heretical cults? Routine. Illuminati? In spades. Muh Lizards? Massive numbers. And let's not go into the nigh-genocidal numbers that anything involving the Nephilim--the giants, the titans--routinely get into. It's just where the pedophilia enters into the scene, not if it's done or not.

Which means that what Crowder above says was going to happen sooner or later. Sooner or later someone like Epstein gets exposed and the claims validated by being suicided, which just ensures that the eventual exposure of the full global pedophile/human sacrifice network comes that much sooner since yet more eyeballs come on to this and push more minds to accept this as the reality that it is.

And once they come to terms with reality as it is, then comes what the network fears.

You know it. I know it. It's going to happen. Witches get ditches.

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