Friday, November 24, 2017

We Are Not the Mall to the World

Fuck this shillfest non-holiday for a game of soldiers.

I despise the commercialization of holidays. A time meant for family and community increasingly atomizes both by yoking commerce to things where commerce does not apply. The utterly appalling behavior of people clamoring into retail stores to rush for cheap goods never fails to disappoint me, and that's why I often ensure that I go nowhere and do nothing on this day of the year. I've seen this degenerate behavior go on long enough that I now see why people clamor for government regulation of the event; this is madness, and it will only get worse until it is made to stop.

The United States is not the world's shopping mall. Few understand this, especially many "Americans". We are a nation unto ourselves, with a separate and distinct culture, and failure to honor it is part of the present problem. If it will not be honored by voluntary assent, then it shall be by force of arms via the State. Again, few understand this. Pick your own damn cotton.

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