Thursday, June 2, 2016

Legion Hype: Preach Gaming's Fucking Fantastic Complete Fury Warrior Presentation

My main character in World of Warcraft is a Fury Warrior, so this specialization is most important to me. Preach's commentary comes from lengthy hands-on actual play experience in the Alpha and the Beta. This means that he's sometimes at odds with the theorycrafters, as what the latter deems optimal doesn't play well in the field whereas Preach comes up with shit that's field-tested and thus proven to work. If Finalboss is the finely-engineered and fitted safari rifle, then Preach is the trench gun or coach gun that goes and goes and gets shit done.

(Time passes...)

I went to bed after posting the above. Since then Preach put up a gameplay video. This does NOT reflect today's changes from the latest Beta client patch, so take it with some salt, but here it is anyway. Enjoy.

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