Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Culture: Some People's Long Career Consists Of Nothing But Naps And Meals

World of Warcraft is over 20 years old now. It is still the most popular MMORPG in the world; it is the D&D of that market niche.

There are many livestreamers that made their career playing WOW. For many, they come back to WOW or never left it because it always pays the bills and--for a few, like Asmongold--made them into millionaires.

There is also a parallel development of Totally Not D&Ds (other MMOs), some hewing closer(Final Fantasy XI/XIV, Guild Wars(2) to the model than others (EVE Online). There are even precursors and would-be competitors (Meridian 59, Everquest, Runescape) that are still around but permanently cast down to Also-Ran/Never-Were status whose presence wouldn't be missed for long if they died.

Which means that there is also a curious parallel to the Tabletop world in that there are a lot of Muh 20 Year veterans who turn out to suck at the game that made them famous and well-off if not rich- a fact proven every single day thanks to the official Hardcore (i.e. permadeath) Classic WOW servers.

WOW is the most well-documented adventure game ever. Moreso than any Tabletop game, every last little thing you want to know about any version of WOW is documented and archived; there are two sites devoted to this (WOWHead, Icy Veins), multiple Discord servers, scores of YouTube channels, and more dead sites and blogs than there are undead in Azeroth.

This means that there is no excuse for these Muh 20 Years veterans to not know what to do and how to do it. Yet here they are, fucking up the most basic things and getting killed for their errors every single day.

Why, then, would you listen to people who demonstrate that they don't know what the hell they are doing? You wouldn't. You'd listen to the folks who have mastered the game to the point where They Cannot Get It Wrong.

This is where were are now in Tabletop with the OGs and Muh 40 Years and all the other folks who should know better but prove by their own confessions that they don't- and thus torch their credibility as a result.

It is long past time to do what should have been done over 40 years ago: teach people How To Play The Fucking Game Properly.

As usual, the Boomers made the mess and it's Gen X and later that get to clean it up. That's where this has to go now, so it's time to queue up the Whitesnake song.

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